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yog vim li cas xaiv aokia

Aokia yeej ib txwm ntseeg hais tias tus nqi yog tsis rau tag nrho cov nyob rau hauv lub lag luam, peb nrhiav yeej-yeej rau thoob ntiaj teb kev sib raug zoo.
Peb populate tus nqi ntawm kev luj xyuas cov kev lag luam, tsim nyog tus nqi profit ob leeg. Aokia yog ib tug naas ej hom thiab
zoo yog tus caj qaum, peb tswj txhua theem kom tau raws li lub zoo qauv. Tag nrho cov neeg ntawm Aokia suav
cov neeg muas zaub raws li neeg hauv tsev neeg, peb cov neeg muab kev pab team muab koj qhov zoo tshaj plaws kev pab txhawb nqa thiab kua nug.

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